Friday, August 24, 2012

Fireflies - Cory Archie

A dystopian short story 
When I say short, I meant it. It's less than 1,500 words so, why not try it out.

Rating: 3/5
Plot: Confusing at first but overall a good dytopian plot.
Characters: Of the 3 main characters, Noel/Noah's storyline was the darkest and most interesting. The other 2 could use some beefing up.
Strengths: The dark, gloomy mood given to the story. Its length (you can literally read it in less then 15 minutes).
Weaknesses: Its length - not enough details given to wow me on this one. Lacking in explanations and descriptions for me to get a clear picture of the surroundings.

Final Verdict: Due to its length, I say this is worth a read.

I was sort of confused at the beginning but I was okay with it. Given that this is a short story (weighing in at less than 1,500 words), I don't blame the lack of description. 

I really enjoyed Noah's (Noel's) story because it was as if his story carried a sense of foreboding and doom. 

This short story could have gotten more stars if Kate and Jess' stories had packed the same oomph as Noah's. In the end, I felt like something was missing, something that I can't really put my fingers on...

There was one bit of the story that irked me a little, just a teeny weeny bit: 

"Above, a message fires in the sky. It glows red and leaves an after-mark.

Jess could be anywhere.

“Do you have two credits?”

I look up. There's a boy standing in front of me. His hair is cut short and his face is dirty."

Wait, what? She was looking up at the sky then a boy, who is standing in front of her, asks her something and she looks up? Hmmm...I was confused about that. 

Anyways, you can read the short story here and voice your own opinion about it.

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